Faktor-Faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang personal hygiene menstruasi di SMP Al -Nur Cibinong Bogor Tahun 2024


  • Oktavirona Oktavirona




: Pengetahuan;, Personal Hygiene;, Mentruasi;



Remaja pada umumnya menghadapi permasalahan yang sama untuk memahami tentang kesehatan reproduksi, yaitu minimnya pengetahuan tentang seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya akses informasi dan advokasi remaja, tidak adanya akses pelayanan yang ramah terhadap remaja, belum adanya kurikulum kesehatan reproduksi remaja di sekolah, serta masih terbatasnya institusi di pemerintah yang menangani remaja secara khusus dan belum ada undang-undang yang mengakomodir hak-hak remaja. Hasil Survey Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia (SKRRI) 2007, menyatakan pengetahuan remaja umur 15-24 tahun tentang kesehatan reproduksi masih rendah, 21% remaja perempuan tidak mengetahui sama sekali perubahan yang terjadi pada saat pubertas. Dari hasil penelitian di peroleh distribusi frekuensi pengetahuan remaja putri sebagian besar baik 36 siswi (78,3), siswi yang berpengetahuan baik berdasarkan usia manarche sebesar 42  siswi (91,3,5 %),pengetahuan baik berdasarkan pendidikan ibu menengah sebanyak 21 siswi (45,7 %),pengetahuan baik berdasarkan ibu yang tidak bekerja sebanyak 23 siswi (50 %), pengetahuan baik berdasarkan < 2 sumber informasi yaitu sebanyak 36 siswi (78,3 %), pengetahuan baik berdasarkan perilaku sebanyak 24 siswi (52,2%). Ada hubungan antara pengetahuan remaja putri dengan sumber informasi, tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan remaja putri dengan usia manarche, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, perilaku personal hygiene menstruasi.

Kata Kunci       : Pengetahuan; Personal Hygiene; Mentruasi

Factors Related To Young Women's Knowledge About Menstrual Personal Hygiene At Al-Nur Middle School Cibinong Bogor In 2024

Adolescents in general face the same problems in understanding reproductive health, namely a lack of knowledge about sexuality and reproductive health caused by limited access to information and advocacy for adolescents, the absence of access to services that are friendly to adolescents, the absence of an adolescent reproductive health curriculum in schools, and There are still limited government institutions that deal specifically with teenagers and there are no laws that accommodate the rights of teenagers. The results of the 2007 Indonesian Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey (SKRRI), stated that knowledge of adolescents aged 15-24 years about reproductive health was still low, 21% of adolescent girls did not know at all about the changes that occur during puberty.

From the results of the research, it was found that the frequency distribution of adolescent girls' knowledge was mostly good, 36 female students (78.3), female students with good knowledge based on age of maturity were 42 female students (91.3.5%), good knowledge based on middle school education was 21 female students ( 45.7%), good knowledge based on mothers who do not work as many as 23 female students (50%), good knowledge based on < 2 sources of information, namely 36 female students (78.3%), good knowledge based on behavior as many as 24 female students (52.2%). %). There is a relationship between the knowledge of young women and sources of information, there is no relationship between the knowledge of young women and age at manarche, mother's education, mother's occupation, menstrual personal hygiene behavior.

Keywords: Knowledge; Personal Hygiene; Menstruation



